Friendly Visit in 2023

Even though this year has been extremely busy at work, I’m so glad we were able to make time for a couple of good friends to come and visit. I was super excited when C and N were able to come and stay with us for a few days during the beginning of their trip in Japan this year. C came to visit us before, 4 years ago, but I haven’t seen N in person for 6 years now!


I took the bus to Sapporo to meet them at the airport and drive their rental car back to town. Along the way we stopped for lunch at a Japanese style teishoku diner for their first meal in Japan. C and N were both very jet lagged from the long journey and I was glad to take them to our apartment to rest. They brought us lots of goodies and gifts, too!


Just a few of the goodies we received.

The following day was a Sunday, and Baby Bear (BB) was participating in his first ever soccer tournament! I think I mentioned that BB was trying out a few different sports at the beginning of the school year, and he decided to try soccer this year. The 1st and 2nd graders don’t participate in most of the tournaments, but there is one U-18 tournament held in the neighboring town that weekend. 


We all drove out to the soccer fields in the morning to cheer for BB and his team. Our team didn’t make many goals, but the kids tried so hard and did their best! I was very proud of them. We had amazing weather so it was a nice change of pace to be outside all day. It was also nice to actually socialize and get to know some of the soccer parents. N had brought some Cheez-Its to share and we ended up having a fun discussion about American and Japanese food. 


After soccer was over, we decided to go out to a restaurant for dinner and then spend a couple of hours at karaoke. For C and I, karaoke was always our thing. Everyone had a blast and both N and C were very impressed when BB sang too! I really miss doing karaoke and other activities with our close friends. 


The following day was Monday, so BB had to go to school but I took the day off from work. During the morning we had planned to walk the Scenic Sights footpath through town. The weather was amazing, even if it was rather windy. The footpath takes you up Mt. Kannon, down to the beach, out to Cape Enrumu, and then back to town center. It was a really long walk but it was so much fun. We found lots of different mushrooms while walking around Mt. Kannon, and even came across a couple of cute lizards. I got to play tour guide and did my best to talk about different aspects of the town’s history and culture. 


We stopped at the beach to take some photos and then took a short snack break at the Oyaki shop. The couple that runs the oyaki shop was happy to chat with me and my friends, they’re always so friendly. Afterward, we headed to Cape Enrumu but the wind was blowing so strongly that we couldn’t go up to the observation deck. We headed back to town center and ended up at the Tourism Information Center to pick up some souvenirs. 


We were very tired from walking all morning so Papa Bear came to pick us up from the Tourism Center, and we stopped at the grocery store before heading back home. BB came home from school not long after. We had originally planned to go out to eat for dinner again, but with it being Monday many of the local restaurants were closed, so we ended up picking up some stuff at 7-11 instead. This was C and N’s final night with us so they spent some time repacking their suitcases before saying goodnight. 


The next morning they packed up the rental car and drove off to Sapporo.


I’m so happy they came to visit and only wish they could have stayed longer than just three days!! I was really sad when they left, but I’ll treasure the time we spent here together. 


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